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Paul Shakuri

Paul Shakuri is an entrepreneur who loves making money more than having it. He loves a challenge and especially hates to lose. Indeed, Paul Shakuri fights to win. Paul Shakuri is and husband and a father of two. As a father, his main goal is to be the best father for his children. Growing up, Paul learned the value of working hard and going after things he wanted. Sometimes, he was lucky enough to have opportunities come his way. At times, he put himself in situations which other people avoided. In doing so, Paul was able to go outside his comfort zone. By 24 years old, he owned a brand new 4000 sq. foot home and a 750Li BMW. A few years ago, Paul earned $314,000 in just a year. Paul is currently working on achieving his goal of being worth $1+ Million dollars. Quitting is not in Paul’s DNA. In the beginning, Paul had to overcome the obstacles of selling door to door just like you have to. In two months, Paul felt overwhelmingly rejected that it was getting to him. He was working 12 hour days and would make only one sale. He even tried quitting but his boss convinced him to keep working at it by looking to his colleagues for inspiration. Just as Paul followed the advice of his boss, you should follow his advice. Paul has a competitive personality. When he plays hockey, making a goal is the only thing on his mind. Actually, he also thinks about stopping his opponent from scoring. In addition to being competitive in sports, Paul is competitive when it comes to business. He wants to be just as successful and wealthy as others out there. At a young age, Paul discovered dancing was a passion of his. However, it didn’t always come easy to him since he lacked rhythm and couldn’t move to the beat. Paul went on to become a male Dancer/Entertainer performing under the stage name Ethan Foxx. Since he grew up in a Catholic family, Paul hid his occupation from people. Despite having to do this, Paul continued working as a male dancer because it paid more than any other job he could imagine. Paul worked as a male dancer not just for the money but also because he loved it. Now, Paul is an expert at selling door to door. His experience working in the adult entertainment business developed his skills as a salesperson. Before each show, Paul managed to convince ladies to buy special packages and to give the dancers money. Additionally, Paul overcome his fear of being on stage and in front of 250 women at one time. Paul no longer experience stage fright even when he knocks on someone’s door. Eventually, Paul wanted to make more money in the long-term rather than in short period of time. As a result, he started selling door to door. Paul went from selling an illusion to selling reality to his clients such as securing their homes with a security system. Now, he is going to help you learn how to do the same. Look out for Paul Shakuri. He is looking for new opportunities and ventures with other podcasters and like-minded business people. As Paul gets his name out there and fights every day to make it to $1 million a year, he is confident that he will achieve success but it is going to take time. He becomes the best at everything he does because he wants it more than the majority of others. He is on a mission to make a million dollars in profits in one year and he doesn’t care what it’s going to take to get there, so long as it's legal. In order to do so, he is expanding his other businesses, hiring many new sales representatives, expanding to new states, bringing on more talented individuals, and paying managers at my company more while expecting a stronger outcome. Be this person. Be like him, and take your business to the next level. Don’t fear what is to come. Find a way to take yourself to that next level. You will notice that in a few years you will be at the top of the mountain. From there, you will be looking at all the levels and obstacles you climbed.

Not Interested ? How Do You Mean ?

Over and over you will hear me repeat myself about this phrase : “Not Interested” What does that mean ? why to potential customers tell us this ? as sales people we will hear this over and over and over and over again ! drill that in your head because i need you to understand that there is nothing wrong with you or your pitch if your hearing this ! What you do with “Not Interested” is what separates top sales people from average reps. Listen up …. This is my quick list of possible reasons why you potential customer is telling you “Not Interested” They Still have no clue what you are selling They are scared to commit Afraid that there may be hidden costs Now is just a bad time They simply don’t trust you They really aren’t the decision maker You sound to sale like Your sounding …

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Never Say This At The Door… Or Else !!!

1) I’m sorry to bother you 2)  Is This something you think you guys would want ? #1 understand that you are there to Make Money ! Know this ! Own it ! Respect your door but Never lower yourself ! I always teach to get your proper licenses and permits ! Having said that you are legally allowed to be there if you did your legal stuff right ! I am in no way a lawyer nor do I give legal advice, check with your jurisdiction on what you need to legally knock on a door. Are you really sorry to bother them ? If you are then why the frick are you doing door to door sales ? If your not, then why do you say it ? The majority of reps say this because they feel uncomfortable with the situation and want to feel better by telling …

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Door To Door Sales Motivation

Your sales will be as alive as you are. Stop wasting time not being pumped up before you go out. Here is a little motivation to get you excited to go out and take care of your customer and in return get paid. Remember that sales is the transfer of energy and emotion. If you don’t have that, your going to find it hard to close more sales selling door to door. Some people get excited internally and some are more louder, it doesn’t matter which type you are, find that fire and light it under you to go out and get the job done . Watch this Video Over Over. Like what you see ? Join My Members area for Unlimited Access To All My Videos In Detail Unlimited Life-Time Access to the program. Click Here  

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What’s Your Reason To Be At Their Door ? Must know this…

If you are there to just sell them something, your more than likely not going to get the sale. All good sales people have a reason why they are at their door front. It may be you have a promotion that you want to share with people who have thought about your product in the past, or it may just be your looking to upgrade older security systems, saving them money or giving them extra equipment. Never lie, however you must have a reason why your at the door. Sure the ultimate goal is to make a sale and collect money and there is nothing wrong with that. Most newbie sales people think there is a problem with collecting money or personal information. If you been through your background check and your allowed by the authorities to be in that neighborhood, then what are you afraid of ? Understand that …

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