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Tag Archives: Condition Your Mind

Slumps: Why They Happen and How to Overcome Them!


In this article, I’m going to talk about the common issue we all have in our lives. SLUMPS! Things seem to be going well because you’re getting results. Then, out of nowhere, there are NO SALES. You go hours or sometimes days without sales. The random sale comes here and there. However, you look back at your performance and wonder WTF is going on. If this is happening to you, this article is for you! One of the most common questions I get is “How come I cannot sell anymore?” Consistency is a wonderful thing once you learn how to gain control. By default, you want consistency because it gives you a sense of control. Without selling, you start to think things such as how you will feed yourself, family, and even pay the bills. Not being in control of our destiny is a fear we all have. Let’s reveal …

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